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Pikes Peak Arts Council

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support the arts. donate today.

Your tax-deductible donation supports educational events, programs, MicroGrants, Awards, and exhibition and performance opportunities for local artists. 

To donate, please use our secure form below. You may also send your donation via check made payable to:

Pikes Peak Arts Council | P.O. Box 1073 | Colorado Springs, CO 80901

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Use this field to add any special instructions for handling your donation or to note if you are donating to a PPAC Fiscally Sponsored Organization.
*I would like my donation to be recognized publicly by PPAC
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Please type your name as you would prefer to be identified in PPAC publicity materials. Donations to Fiscally Sponsored Organizations will be recognized by the benefiting organization.

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1902 E. Boulder St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

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